Thursday, January 13, 2011

Speak Assignment #1

What assignment am I going to give my 9th graders?

Why do you think it is so difficult for Melinda Sordino to tell someone about what's wrong with her? Imagine you are a student at Merryweather High School, and you have noticed that something seems to be terribly wrong with Melinda. As someone who is observing from the outside, who knows NOTHING about what seems to be troubling her, would you attempt to help her in any way? How? If not, why?

In your post, you will address the following:
  1. Why do you think it is difficult for Melinda to tell someone what's wrong?
  2. Would you try to help her? If so, how? If not, why?
  3. Is it realistic to think that high school students avoid coming to school due to personal reasons that classmates, parents, teachers, and principals know nothing about? Explain your response.
***Make the title of your post something that is relevant to Melinda's situation. For example, you could name your post "Teen in Trouble" or "Lending a Helping Hand"***